
Staff Name :Dr. M. Kolanjimani
Qualification :M.Com., B.Ed., M.Phil., B.Ed.(H.I), SLET., Ph.D.
Designation : Assistant Professor
Department :Commerce
Subject Specialization :
- Entrepreneurial Development
- Cost & Management Accounting.
Academic Experience - Teaching:
- Under –Graduate (B.Com) : 20 Years
- Post-Graduate (M.Com) : 5Years
Research Experience :
Course : Ph.D.
Topic :
“Role of Training Programmes and Rehabilitation in Increasing Employability of Hearing Impaired – A Study”
Institution : Madras Christian College,Chennai- 600 059.
Research Guide & Supervisor : Dr. S. John Gabriel :
Papers Presented :
- Presented a Paper Titled “Problems faced by Hearing Impaired Entrepreneurs” Held during 28th February and 1st March 2013,Organized by the Department of Business Administration faculty of Science and Humanities, SRM University, Chennai(BIZAD 2K13)
- Presented a Paper Titled “Manpower Development in the field of Hearing Impaired (Deaf) Held on 22nd February 2014, Organised Bharath College of Science and Management,Thanjavur-613 005, Tamil Nadu.
- Presented a Paper Titled “Employment of the Persons with Disabilities”. Held on 15th March 2014 Organized by the Department of Commerce, Pattammal Alagesan College of arts and Science Athur, Chengalpattu.
- Presented a Paper titled On “Entrepreneurial Challenges faced by Hearing Impaired”- An Analysis. Held on 8th March at Chellammal Women’s College, Chennai..
- Presented a Paper titled On “Role of Training programmes and Rehabilitation in increasing the Employability of the Hearing Impaired. Held on 26th February 2015 at SRM University,Chennai. Seminars & Workshops
Seminars & Workshop :
National :
- National Conference has participated National Level FDP on “GLOBAL TEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION” Organized by BON SECOURS COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, Thanjavur - 613 006.
- National Conference has Participated, Held on 15th March 2014, Organized by the Department,PattammalAlagesan College of arts &Science, Authur, Chengalpattu. 603 101
International Level :
- International Conference has Participated. Held during 28th February 1st March 2013, Organized by the Department of Business Administration Faculty of Science and Humanities,SRM University Chennai.
- International Conference has Participated Held during 20th&21st December 2013. Organized by the Department of Sri Sai Ram Institute of Management Studies Sponsored b AICTE, Chennai.
- International Conference has Participated, held on 22nd February 2014,Organized by Bharath College of Science and Management, Thanjavur-613 005.Tamil Nadu.
- International Conference has Participated –An Analysis, Held on 8th March at Chellammal Women’s College, Chennai.
- International Conference has Participated, Held On 26 February 2015 at SRM University –Chennai.
Membership :
Publication :
Paper Published by Annamalai Journal of Management (AU-AJM-Journal of Virtu)Vol.6 Special Issue-2 December 2013. A Paper titled “Problems Faced by Hearing Impaired Entrepreneurs.